Adult Education

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ABC (Adult Bible Class)

A multi-generational class devoted to the study of the scriptures and historical context of God's Word. Teaching is done on a rotating volunteer basis, and lessons alternate between Old and New Testaments. The diverse religious backgrounds and life experiences of class members make this a lively discussion class.


ACTS (Adults Committed to Scripture)

Bible study based on a structured curriculum and open discussion. We strive to uplift one another, the Church, and the community through love, encouragement, and prayer. We welcome all ages, single and married.


Cornerstone Class

Co-educational Class of mature adults who enjoy Christian fellowship, and exposition of the Scripture. We use the Present Word Series as a basis for study.


GNG (Good News Group)

This "Good News Group" is a friendly, inquiring discussion-oriented class that shares leadership in teaching and uses a variety of resources to study the Bible and look at current life issues.


As seekers, we are a dynamic, diverse group on a common journey to become stronger Christians. We seek to develop close relationships, support each other, and grow in Christian faith through Bible study and interactive discussions. We serve as a port for members and visitors and as ambassadors of First Christian Church in our community. Membership covers a wide variety of ages.


This class is our newest Sunday School class. This class studies books of the Bible throughout the year.